Wednesday, November 7, 2007

We're Getting Close

You can probably tell I didn't sleep very good the night before these pictures. Oh well, can't be perfect every time :) These are at 34 weeks.
Notice my little guard cat in all the pictures. Story of my life-he follows me everywhere now.
Cross my fingers: Not a strech mark in sight (yet)!
We'll be doing a belly cast soon. That'll make some fun pictures to come. Keep watching!


  1. the day after my due date...THEN I got a few stretch marks. I mean, come ON, if that's not adding insult to injury I dont know what is! Every day past your due date is mental torture, then throw on some nasty stretch marks!! HARSH! haha..thankfully they all disappeared and they were pretty small anyway:)AND...well worth it even if they had stayed!

    You look beautiful:)

  2. Shannon, you look amazing...sleep or no sleep. It's so great to hear that you're doing well. I can't believe she's almost here!! It's so wonderful that you two will have her right before Christmas. Anyway, hope all goes well these last few weeks. Lots of love!
