Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Birthday Party!

Happy 1st Birthday Addison!

Hailey lookin' patriotic at this Memorial Day party.

Look at my baby up on her knees!

May Day Fly-In

The annual fly-in was held over the weekend of May 10th. I took my little sister Amanda along with baby Hailey. Amanda and I had been matched through Big Brothers Big Sisters for one whole was our anniversary. This same weekend last year I brought Amanda to the fly-in as our very first activity together. Now it has become an annual tradition.
Amanda adores Hailey. She made sure that whevever possible she was pushing the stroller. Whenever anyone asked how old or what her name was, Amanda was quicker than me in answering. In turn, that kind of makes my little sister, a big sister.

My little baby and the great big airplane. Crazy to think that at 5 months old, she's already ridden numerous airplanes much larger than this one.

We couldn't have asked for a more beautiful day at the fly-in. After watching the flour bombing and STOL competition, we all had a few more freckles popping out and a lovely touch of pink on our cheeks and noses. Can't wait for next year.