Friday, February 20, 2009

Valdez Gets a Baby Store!

One of my dearest friends opened up a baby store in Valdez! Little Ones of Alaska opened on February 3rd and has been hugely popular ever since.

Brandy's eye for fabulous merchandise is to be praised. The organic cotton and bamboo clothes are adorable. The lead free toys are a hit. And stuff for mommy too, everything Valdez was missing.

True to the name, here are Brandy's little ones; hers and her friends from all over Alaska...of course the majority are from Valdez. Such a special touch.
Thank you Brandy for taking on such a huge task to bring wonderful things to the
families of Valdez.


  1. so exciting! And look at little miss Hailey up on the wall! So fun! Hope it's a great success...looks like loads of great baby items inside!

  2. Nice Blog!! Spacify is one of the best Baby Stores which has huge collections of baby furniture.
