Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Thanksgiving Day Dump

We greeted Hailey's first Thanksgiving (and official last FIRST holiday) with a good foot of snow. Perfect opportunity to go sledding. She LOVED it! She sat still and quiet as a mouse through the whole ride. Minus the few rally sessions that dad took her on. It was a short ride down the road to Grandma Mel's for Thanksgiving lunch, but it was definitly worth the walk.

Check out that Dump. Almost as tall as Hailey!

We finished the day with fabulous dinner at my mom's house, as well as another Hailey-trick. She stood in front of Great-Grandma Bino for 20 seconds! Her longest time to date.
I know she'll be running before I know it.


  1. A-DOR-A-BULL!!!! Goodness those are sooo cute. I hope Lacy's first time sledding is as much of a success as Hailey's! That's so great Hailey decided to show off when EVERYONE one was there! I will never forget that Lacy literally woke up one morning and decided to walk...and it was on a Saturday when daddy was home to see it...that is priceless:) Can't believe what a big girl she is and that photo with her cake...just ridiculously adorable! I am stealing it, just to forewarn you! Love you all!!

  2. That girl is looking more like her daddy everyday...she is adorable!

  3. What a beautiful baby girl! I have an 18 month old myself, so these moments you've captured hit closer to home than usual. She really seemed interested in Elmo! Happy belated birthday little Hailey! Tell your mommy to keep up her great blogging!

