Tuesday, August 5, 2008

"Sitting Up" Practice

Hailey has been slow at getting the hang of sitting up. We found this one thing that really helps keep her focused and steady...Sesame Street. She still can't get herself into the sitting position, but hey, it's a start!

So intent on the show

"What? Quit bothering me, Mom, I'm trying to watch my show."


  1. First, CUTE, CUTE, CUTE pic of Hailey in the grass!!!!! I am envious of the amazing backdrops you have their in AK:) Then, look at that speedster sitting up learning her ABCs and 123s with Big Bird and Elmo!

  2. Maybe she'd sit up herself for Dora the Explorer!

    I love that show (and I am 24)!


  3. Ok, photo explained:) Did you see the one that goes along with it on flickr? And..yeah, the whole trip was weird. Since I had a college friend that lived RIGHT there(parents there-the couple that took photos at our wedding). going to Lincoln city in a hotel was even stranger, PASSING beverly beach for a hotel...but OH, so easier for one night:)
