Friday, May 8, 2009

Finding Out Soon!

So not this weekend, but next we go in for another ultrasoud. This will be our third viewing of our new little squirt. We're hoping (cross your fingers) that this could be the big showing and we'll find out what we're having. As well as seeing that everything is going ok, of course. I can't wait because we'll be having our viewing with the nicest woman ever. Gretchen has been doing ultrasounds for 30 years and knows her stuff. She talks to the baby like it's the only one she's ever seen. We know she loves what she does and knows what she's doing.

SO...hurry up and take the gender poll to the right of the postings.

I honestly have no incling to what the baby is. I swore up and down that Hailey was a boy, but this time...nothing. Let us know what you think!

From Monkey to Rodeo Star

My darling daughter has graduated from being a little monkey to being a full fledged, buckle-winning rodeo star. Ty Murray would be proud of her. Her daddy sure was. He begged that I skip the last month of neglected posts to get this video clip on right away.

She rocked her horsey like this for at least 5 minutes. I wish I had half of her energy. I have to keep reminding myself that I'm almost half way through this pregnancy and that is a valid excuse to be dragging a bit.

Keep in mind, even though she has mastered a new profession, she has not given up her one true passion of monkey madness. Her latest monkey adventure is that she learned how to jump on the couch and the bed. And by jump, I mean kick her legs out from under herself in order to fall down. I really don't want to encourage that behavior, but it is just so darn cute that I have a hard time stopping her. I haven't had the camera handy to catch that one yet--but that might encourage her even more, so maybe that is a good thing. "No more monkeys jumping on the bed" must have been the easiest nursery rhyme to create; it couldn't be more obvious.